Alphabetical by surname
Dr. Getachew Assefa, U. Calgary
Mr. Douglas Hopwood, RPF retired
Ms. Christina Howard, U. British Columbia
Dr. Werner Kurz, Natural Resources Canada
Ms. Erica Lilles, Government of BC
Mr. Adam Robertson, U. Calgary
Dr. Robert Scheller, North Carolina State U.
Dr. Suzanne Simard, U. British Columbia
Dr. Dave Spittlehouse, Government of BC
Dr. Michelle Venter, U. Northern BC
Dr. Oscar Venter, U. Northern BC
Dr. Cornelius van Kooten, U. Victoria
Dr. Rita Winkler, Government of BC
Dr. Bing Xu, U. Calgary
![Field work with the Venter lab in 2019](
Field work with the Venter lab, 2019. All rights reserved